NasoniaBase is an archive and will not be updated. The most up-to-date Nasonia genome data is now available through the navigation bar on the HGD Home page.

Nasonia vitripennis female.
©Miriam Rosenberg, Terry Blackman,
Claude Desplan.
The species of Nasonia are a primary model for parasitoid genetics. The unique aspects of their natural history include large family sizes, haplodiploidy, four closely related and interfertile species, the ability to inbreed and produce healthy isogenic inbred lines, a wealth of visible and molecular markers, the ease of performing complete genome screenings in search for mutations in the haploid sex and the capacity to produce genetically identical recombinant genotypes in the F3 generation.
NasoniaBase is an informatics data repository for the Nasonia Species Complex Genome Projects. Currently, NasoniaBase provides a graphical interface to the assembly of the Nasonia vitripennis genome. Assembly Nvit_1.0 was released by the Baylor College of Medicine Human Genome Sequencing Center in March, 2007. It was generated from small whole genome shotgun (WGS) sequencing reads (3-5kb), fosmids reads (36kb) and BAC end reads (130kb - 150kb) and includes repetitive reads.