Genomic Resources for Pogonomyrmex barbatus

Genome Consortium Data Sets

Pogonomyrmex barbatus Genome Assembly version 1.0.

Pbar_1.0_scaffolds.fa.gz: contains the P. barbatus genome assembled into scaffolds, in FASTA format, compressed.


Pogonomyrmex barbatus Official Gene Set v1.2, with assigned Hymenoptera Genome Database identifiers (HGD-IDs)

This updated and renamed version of the P. barbatus OGS incorporates the extensive efforts on manual annotation from the red harvester ant research community.

pbar_OGSv1.2_pep.fa.gz: contains all predicted proteins in this gene set.
pbar_OGSv1.2_transcript.fa.gz: contains all translated regions.
pbar_OGSv1.2.gff3.gz: contains all gene and pseudogene annotations, in a gff version 3 file.


Pogonomyrmex barbatus Official Gene Set v1.2, with partially assigned HGD-IDs.

This second version of the P. barbatus OGS incorporates manual annotation efforts from red harvester ant research community.

pbar.genome.OGS.1.2.gff.gz: contains all gene and pseudogene annotations.
pbar.genome.OGS.1.2.maker.proteins.fasta.gz: contains all proteins for genes.
pbar.genome.OGS.1.2.maker.transcripts.fasta.gz: contains all transcripts for genes (translated region).
pbar.need_names.list: lists all gene models in this set without an HGD identifier.


Pogonomyrmex barbatus Official Gene Set v1.1

pbar.OGS1.1.proteins_hgd_id.fasta.gz: OGSv1.1 Proteins.
pbar.OGS1.1.proteins_hgd_id_single_isoform.fasta.gz: OGSv1.1 Proteins with single isoforms.
pbar.OGS1.1.transcripts_hgd_id.fasta.gz: OGSv1.1 Transcripts.